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   GetDir returns the current DOS directory

   Function:   XPgetDir()

               XPgetDir() returns the current directory for a
               specified drive. A similar function exists in
               Clipper itself, this one uses another parameter function,
               more compatible with the XPdiskTotal(), XPgetDisk()
               etc.. functions of the Expand Library. Extend's
               CurDir() accepts a character as an argument,
               XPgetDir() uses a numerical value.

   Syntax:     XPgetDir([<nDisk>]) --> cCurDir

   Arguments:  <nDisk> indicates the drive, 0 or None means
               current, 1 is A: etc..

   Returns:    A character string indicating the current
               directory, there's no leading \ nor is there a
               drive letter, so empty string means Root is

   Usage:      if XPgetDir() <> ''
                  * Change to parent directory..

See Also: XPchDir() XPmkDir() XPrmDir()
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